New creation

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Revelation 21:1-5
Right now — in this world, in this very room — God is making all things new. And that includes you! Let’s explore what transformation looks like.
Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Revelation 21:1-5
Right now — in this world, in this very room — God is making all things new. And that includes you! Let’s explore what transformation looks like.
Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Mark 4:30-32
If Jesus came to save the world, why does everything still seem so messed up right now? Let’s explore why we are living in the “now and not yet” and what we can do while we wait for God’s Kingdom to fully come.
The now and not yet Read More »
Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Matthew 4:1-11
Redemption isn’t just the story of how you are saved by a loving God. Redemption is God’s great rescue plan for the entire world.
Mike Chu // Teaching Pastor
Selections from Genesis 2, 3, 6, and 11
The Biblical story of The Fall is one of death, depravity, and division. But in Jesus we have a better way to live: passionately and dependently in our Creator God.
Mike Chu // Teaching Pastor
Genesis 1, 2:1-3
The creation story is God’s invitation to humanity to enter into a partnership that brings order into chaos and life into emptiness.
Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Romans 8:18-25
We begin our journey into the four main movements of the Bible. Learn about the light it sheds on God’s story — and our own.
The four movements Read More »