Serve the world

New England Seafarer's Mission
The New England Seafarers Mission reaches out to the thousands of shipworkers from all over the world who pass through Boston's docks. Volunteers do a variety of tasks to help shipworkers on their short stints on land - wiring money home, securing a few necessities, or just lending a listening ear to hear about their travels.
Zimele Wethu
"Zimele" is a Zulu term that means "to stand on one's own two feet". This term encompasses the goal of Zimele whose mission is to confront the root causes of poverty in rural South Africa by empowering women with financial literacy, small business training and life skills to sustain not only themselves, but their families and communities. We regularly take trips to South Africa to learn about the work they are doing and encourage them. We also raise support for the work of Zimele. Pastor Stephen serves as a chairperson on the Zimele Wethu international board, the South Africa-based parallel agency to Zimele USA.

Covenant World Relief and Development
Covenant World Relief and Development (CWRD) is the relief and development arm of our denomination. CWRD works around the globe with local partners who are working to equip people to help bring transformation and lift their families and communities out of poverty.
Tokyo Life Church
Tokyo Life Church is our sister church in Japan. Located in the heart of the Japan's capital city, Tokyo Life Church "exists to be a diverse community in the greater Tokyo area that will bring life and give hope, so that Japan will experience the Gospel and be transformed." Part of our offering every week goes to the work of this church in Tokyo.

Serve the community

The KidsRock Closet
A ministry started in 1996 by the Covenant Church of Quincy, the KidsRock Closet is a resource that provides children's clothing and diapers free of charge to local families while sharing information about how to access community programs aimed at reducing food and housing insecurity. Hours: All Wednesdays - open 9-11am; 1st Sundays of each month (diaper distribution) - open 12:30-2:30pm.
Donations of new or gently used children's clothing, diapers, and non-perishable foods are welcome, as are volunteers!
Father Bill's Brown Bag Lunch Ministry
Once a month, we help serve our local shelter Father Bill's by preparing and delivering a meal for our friends in the community who are struggling with homelessness. We meet the first Sunday of every month after the 11am worship service. It's a great time, and we'd love to have you.