Treasure in a field

Doug Cole // Guest Speaker
Matthew 13:44-45
Jesus commands us to give up everything for the Kingdom of God — and it turns out that the sacrifice is always worth it.
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Doug Cole // Guest Speaker
Matthew 13:44-45
Jesus commands us to give up everything for the Kingdom of God — and it turns out that the sacrifice is always worth it.
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Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Luke 10:24-37
While we’re asking “Who IS my neighbor?” we’re missing our opportunity to BE a neighbor to someone who needs it. What kind of neighbor will you be? This sermon includes an interview with two members of the Granite City Church community: Dr. Ian Slater, Vice President of Student Life at Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy, and Pierre Gardy Fontaine, a middle school mathematics teacher and native of Haiti.
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Michael Chu, M.Div // Teaching Pastor
Jeremiah 15:11-32
We serve a loving God who is always ready to take us in when we turn back to Him. Let’s use the example of Jeremiah to explore what authentic discipleship can look like in our lives.
Rev. Ryan Yi // Guest speaker
Luke 15: 11-32
In the parable of the lost son, we often identify with the prodigal younger brother and see God in the loving patriarch. But do we ever see ourselves as the older brother in this story? Reverend Ryan Yi re-frames this canonical parable with lessons about morality, shame, and Jesus as rescuer.
Cindy Comiso // Associate Pastor
Daniel 3
In this dialogical sermon, we delve into Daniel 3 and ask ourselves what it means to be a person “of great faith.” Can we persevere in faith even if our own plans don’t work out?
Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Isaiah 6:1-8
Worship is more than a song, a feeling, or a routine. It’s how we respond to seeing who God is, and seeing what God is doing.
Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Colossians 1: 24-29
Ever feel like you’re failing at life? Just remember these simple words of truth: I can’t…but Christ can.
Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Jeremiah 29:4-14
Ever feel like your beliefs are at odds with the world around you? God has a radical call for us, even while we walk through Babylons of our own.
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Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Mark 11:12-26
The story of the fig tree and the purging of the Temple from Mark’s Gospel reveals that God’s plan is for all people, from every culture and background, to worship Him together. God’s mandate is to move the mountain of segregation that exists in our communities and our churches. Can we do it?
Christine McEvoy // Guest Speaker
2 Corinthians 9:6-15
As believers, we know that God gives to us abundantly and provides for all our needs. But what might it look like if we, through our abundance, found ways to provide for the needs of others? Guest speaker Christine McEvoy gives us new perspectives on generosity as an act of faith.
Rev. Steve Cushing // Guest speaker
Matthew 8:5-11
What is the thing we call faith? Can we quantify it? Use it as currency to get what we want from God? No — faith is when we abandon what is comfortable and reach out for the Kingdom of God. Our guest speaker is Reverend Steve Cushing from the New England Seafarers Mission. Find out more about NESM: