Consider the fears and anxieties in your life — do they outweigh the greatness of who Jesus is? If you want to be truly free of your fears, you need to lean in more deeply to WHO God is.
God lost something and He wants it back. That something is — YOU. Pastor Stephen reveals how the Parable of the Lost Sheep lays bare God’s desire for each one of us.
Ryan Marshall // Guest Speaker, Highrock Metrowest Luke 15:8-10
If you were missing, who would come for you? We all have times when we feel unworthy, unloved, unequipped, or unable to keep up with the pace of life. Pastor Ryan Marshall brings a message of hope for anyone who has ever felt lost. Jesus is speaking to you through the Parable of the Lost Coins to remind you of your value and worth in the eyes of God.
“How can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man?” With this question, Jesus shows us that He came to do battle with the evil, broken demonic powers that have run rampant in this world since the moment humans first disobeyed their Maker. Pastor Stephen explores what happens when “the strong man” meets a stronger man in Jesus, and how we can join Jesus in the holy plundering of this world.
We don’t have enough to do what God wants. But He blesses the “too little” we bring Him, and does more than enough with it. Like Philip, we have a lot to learn about His incalculable grace.
In the Book of John, Jesus asks of Philip and his apostles, “Don’t you know me?” He could ask the same of each of us today. Truly following Jesus means entering into a personal relationship, one in which we can actually come to know God. Pastor Stephen explores this life-changing invitation and teaches us how to pray for this to happen in our lives.
Do you believe that God isn’t done with you yet? Do you want to step out more confidently in faith? Pastor Cindy leads us in a dialogical sermon that challenges us to live a life free of fears and full of grace for ourselves and others.
The very first words of Jesus in the Gospel of John are a question: “What do you want?” It is easy to come up with surface level “wants” – family, status, material goods – but harder to pin down our deeper longings. Sometimes our desires have been so distorted that we no longer know what we want. But God wants to nurture in our lives first and foremost a desire for Him. Let’s explore the right way to fill the “God-shaped” hole in our hearts.