All Sermons

Doesn’t she search carefully?

Good Question sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
Doesn't she search carefully?

Ryan Marshall // Guest Speaker, Highrock Metrowest
Luke 15:8-10

If you were missing, who would come for you? We all have times when we feel unworthy, unloved, unequipped, or unable to keep up with the pace of life. Pastor Ryan Marshall brings a message of hope for anyone who has ever felt lost. Jesus is speaking to you through the Parable of the Lost Coins to remind you of your value and worth in the eyes of God.

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The strong man

Good Question sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
The strong man

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Matthew 12:22-30

“How can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man?” With this question, Jesus shows us that He came to do battle with the evil, broken demonic powers that have run rampant in this world since the moment humans first disobeyed their Maker. Pastor Stephen explores what happens when “the strong man” meets a stronger man in Jesus, and how we can join Jesus in the holy plundering of this world.

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What if I’m not enough?

Good Question sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
What if I'm not enough?

Cynthia Comiso // Associate Pastor
John 6:1-15

We don’t have enough to do what God wants.  But He blesses the “too little” we bring Him, and does more than enough with it.  Like Philip, we have a lot to learn about His incalculable grace.

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Don’t you know me?

Good Question sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
Don't you know me?

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
John 14:5-11

In the Book of John, Jesus asks of Philip and his apostles, “Don’t you know me?” He could ask the same of each of us today. Truly following Jesus means entering into a personal relationship, one in which we can actually come to know God. Pastor Stephen explores this life-changing invitation and teaches us how to pray for this to happen in our lives.

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What is it to you?

Good Question sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
What is it to you?

Cynthia Comiso // Associate Pastor
John 21:15-23

Do you believe that God isn’t done with you yet? Do you want to step out more confidently in faith? Pastor Cindy leads us in a dialogical sermon that challenges us to live a life free of fears and full of grace for ourselves and others.

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What do you want?

Good Question sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
What do you want?

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
John 1:35-39

The very first words of Jesus in the Gospel of John are a question: “What do you want?” It is easy to come up with surface level “wants” – family, status, material goods – but harder to pin down our deeper longings. Sometimes our desires have been so distorted that we no longer know what we want. But God wants to nurture in our lives first and foremost a desire for Him. Let’s explore the right way to fill the “God-shaped” hole in our hearts.

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The principle of the harvest

Money Talks sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
The principle of the harvest

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
2 Corinthians 9:1-15

Generosity is a virtue that nearly everyone agrees is important, but it’s also something we are often terrible at putting into practice. There is a human tendency to try to hold on tightly to that which we call “ours.” But “our money” matters greatly to God – and what we do with it impacts God’s community, church, and mission. When we pursue money and the accumulation of goods without generously giving from the abundance that has been unsparingly supplied to us, we participate in the injustices of the world. How can we embrace the radical, countercultural way of the church that asks us to give with a bountiful heart?

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The principle of FIRST

Money Talks sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
The principle of FIRST

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Exodus 13:11-16

We tend to view our money in one of two ways – money represents our security, or our freedom. But sometimes, our fear of losing our security, or losing our freedom, can disorder our stewardship. How we steward our money reveals whether or not we trust that God is who He says He is. If you’re struggling to believe that God can be provider, then let’s dive into the radical Biblical concept called the “Principle of FIRST.” What can happen when we make the decision to place God first?

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The principle of stewardship

Money Talks sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
The principle of stewardship

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Matthew 25:14-30

What is “stewardship?” Everything we have – our time, our talent, our treasure – belongs to God, and we are caretakers of it. People have been struggling with the concept of stewardship since the moment humanity began. But Jesus came along and reminded us that stewardship is very much a Kingdom of God principle that should shape the way we think about the resources in our possession. What would our lives look like if we truly embraced the God-established practice of stewardship?

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The principle of the heart

Money Talks sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
The principle of the heart

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Matthew 6:19-23

“Where your money is, there your heart will be also.” Jesus talked about money more than anything else except the Kingdom of God. Why? It’s not because Jesus wanted people’s money. Jesus wanted people’s hearts. He knew that what we do with our money often allows a glimpse of our true allegiances. Money reveals what we truly love, value, or even fear. In this sermon, Pastor Stephen explores the powerful, life-changing principles of stewardship and generosity that can shape and change your life for the better.

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Three words

Existential sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
Three words

Grant Buchholtz // Guest Speaker, Tokyo Life Church
Ephesians 4:11-16

What is God’s dream for the church and His people? Listen as Grant Buchholtz, co-lead pastor of Tokyo Life Church, explores three Japanese words that illuminate how we can actively engage with God’s purposes in our world, connect to others, and help others discover the life and hope that can only be found in Jesus.

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Is my life meaningless?

Existential sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
Is my life meaningless?

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Ecclesiastes 1:2

Do you ever look at the brokenness of the world and ask yourself, “What is going on?” Over the past few weeks we’ve seen mass shootings, racially-motivated massacres and violence against defenseless children. Does life have meaning in the midst of tragedies like these? Let’s explore how our life’s meaning is activated when we bend our heart to the God who made us and put our acknowledgment of God into action.

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Why your body matters

Existential sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
Why your body matters

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
1 Corinthians 6:12-20

We are used to having whatever we want, when we want it – including in our sexual lives. But not everything is beneficial to us, or life-giving. In this sermon Pastor Stephen explores what it means that our bodies were “bought for a price” (1 Corinthians 6) and intimately connected to the risen body of Christ. How can we use this knowledge to gain the flourishing life that God intended for us?

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The God who sees us

Existential sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
The God who sees us

Cynthia Comiso // Associate Pastor
Genesis 16

None of us know exactly what the future holds, but the one who made us in His image does. He knows your story and He can redeem your pain. Pastor Cindy reminds each of us that He knows our names. This is how to listen for God in your wilderness. For more information about ending the cycle of domestic violence and abuse, please reach out to Hagar’s Sisters: or (978) 266-0053 ext 1

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Why Black lives matter

Existential sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
Why Black lives matter

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Matthew 6:25-26

We continue to explore the Biblical concept of Imago Dei – of all of humanity as image-bearers of our Creator. If we Christians say that we embrace the idea that all life truly matters, how could we ever allow a disparity in the lived experiences of black and white lives without both acknowledging and speaking out about racial injustice?

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Why your life matters…forever

Existential sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
Why your life matters...forever

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
1 Corinthians 15:45-57

In Christ we are being restored and transformed into the image-bearers of God that we were meant to be from the beginning. What does this mean for us as we travel through this broken world? Can we trust in the God who is making us new?

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Why your life matters

Existential sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
Why your life matters

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Genesis 1:26-27

Shedding light on the contradictions of our secular world, and how we are created with a status that give us inherent worth.

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To Emmaus

Road Trip sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
To Emmaus

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Luke 24:13-35

What are you doing with the good news of Jesus’ resurrection? Is it transforming who you are? Or is it just business as usual for you? In this Easter message, we see that the greatest news we can ever have is already here: death does not have power anymore. Will we still just go through the motions or will we let it change us forever?

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Choose the lamb

Road Trip sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
Choose the lamb

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Luke 19:28-40

As Jesus completes his journey to Jerusalem and the cross, he arrives to fulfill his own Exodus story – and the story of our redemption. Pastor Stephen guides us on an exploration of Jesus as an atoning sacrifice for the world. What might that mean for you in your life?

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Take Jesus home

Road Trip sermon series graphic
Granite City Church
Take Jesus home

Stephen Sharkey // Lead Pastor
Luke 19:1-10

In a world full of noise and people who think they have it all figured out, what are we willing to do to try to get above the crowd, see Jesus for ourselves and maybe – just maybe – take Him home to the intimate spaces of our lives? This week, we will take an in-depth look at the radical, lost-seeking love of Jesus revealed in the story of Zacchaeus.

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