Mark your calendar for April 23rd, 2023 for an amazing opportunity to grow in your spiritual practice.
Getting close to God isn't just for professional Christians, it's for all of us. God wants to draw near to us and we need to do our part by drawing near to him. We want to continue to teach and nurture you in these practices and help you find a rhythm that makes sense for your life.
After our Sunday service on April 23rd we will host a workshop with guest speaker Sarah Cowan Johnson, former area director of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Covenant church planter, and executive pastor of Sanctuary Church in Providence. You're invited to take part as Sarah helps us take practical steps toward walking in the way of Jesus and finding the life that God longs for us to experience.
We will provide lunch and childcare as part of this free program (the workshop portion will last about 90 minutes and begin immediately after our meal). Take a step toward spiritual growth right now and let us know you're coming!