A big part of following Jesus is becoming part of His church. This fall we have two opportunities to explore ways to become more deeply engaged in the life and work of Granite City Church.
If you are new to our church, we would love to get to know you better -- and we’d love it if you could get to know us better. On Sunday, September 25th after the service, Pastor Stephen and Pastor Cindy will host Pizza with the Pastors. Stop by, enjoy some pizza, and hear a little about the kind of church we’re trying to be. Both pastors will be on hand and ready to answer any questions you have.
If you already call Granite City your home church, you should consider becoming a member. The Apostle Paul had a beautiful image of the way the church is supposed to work together: he called it a body, and each of us are different members of the body, using our gifts to help advance God’s purposes in this world. On Sunday, October 16th we will host a Membership Class immediately after our service for anyone interested in taking the next step of membership at Granite City Church.
RSVP to one or both of these events: admin@granitecity.org