40 Days of Prayer | Begins February 14
We are about to enter the 40 days of Lent, a time when we reflect on Jesus' road to the cross and the ways that God is moving in our lives and in our world. This year, we are asking you to consider adding an extra time of prayer each day of Lent, consciously setting aside time to spend with God and ask Him to move in our lives and in our community.
Our 40 Days of Prayer will begin on Ash Wednesday, February 14. Once you join, you will receive emailed prayer prompts designed by our pastors and church leaders that help guide you in prayer each day. You can commit to pray for 10,20, 30 or more minutes each day -- you decide. Even though each of us will be praying separately, we will be lifting our hearts as one. We will go through this experience as a community of people asking God to move.
Seeing this after Ash Wednesday? You are not too late to take part in 40 Days of Prayer. Whether you join on Day 1 or Day 39, your prayers matter. Come alongside us!