We're glad you're here
So what's it like at Granite City Church? Simply stated, at Granite City Church, we're passionate about Jesus. You won't be met with shame, guilt, or condemnation; we don't care how you're dressed or what candidate you voted for. Our church is made up of imperfect people with every kind of story imaginable. No matter your background or current situation just know that this is a safe place, and we’re so glad to have you here.
Want to know the best part? No matter what you've been through or what questions you might have about God and faith, our church is a place where you'll find the love, grace, and forgiveness Jesus gives to everyone. If you're ready to get connected to our local church, we'd love to hear from you.
Learn more about us

What we believe about Jesus, the Bible, and the Church.

Say hello to the leadership team here at Granite City Church!

God thinks that kids rock, and so do we.
Getting to know each other
We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at Granite City a great one!
Service Times
Granite City Church meets every Sunday for worship at 10:00am in Quincy.
Location & Directions
Granite City Church in Quincy is located at 315 Whitwell Street. If you see Burger King you're very close. There's plenty of parking in the church parking lot or at the bank next door. The church building is just a 5 minute walk from the Quincy Center T station. Get directions on Google Maps.
What can I expect?
In total, a service at Granite City Church in Quincy is about 70 minutes in length. Services begin with worship songs led by a band - song lyrics are projected onto the screens so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable. After the music portion of service is complete, one of our pastors will teach from the Bible. We celebrate the Lord's Supper (communion) every Sunday. This meal is open to anyone who believes in the death and resurrection of Jesus. If that's not you, that's okay, you won't be alone - we're just glad you're here.
Granite City Church in Quincy is a place where people can be curious about Jesus. We're a diverse church of people from different ethnicities and backgrounds, but we're not a church that's here to entertain you or a large church where people can just hide in a crowd. We're a community of imperfect people who want to be curious about Jesus together.
We think Jesus is the most amazing person any of us can learn about and follow in our lives. Our KidsRock program is designed to help foster a love and curiosity of Jesus. The safety of your kids is a high priority, all of our KidsRock volunteers are CORI checked and passionate about loving your kids well. We also believe that kids should be in worship with their parents as much as possible.
Here's the KidsRock schedule:
- Little Rocks: Ages 3-Kindergarten meet upstairs in our KidsRock room during the service.
- Rock Stars: Grades 1-5 meet downstairs in the fellowship hall during the service.
- Nursery: Our nursery is for babies and toddlers, 6 months up to young three-year-olds. Your infants and toddlers are also welcome to remain with you in the worship service. Additionally, we have a comfortable viewing room on our lower level where you can watch a livestream of the service if your little one needs a quieter area or more space.
Please note: Summer scheduling varies as we offer our volunteers some much needed rest. Schedule may vary in July and August.